Construction of the “Pierre-Bienvenu NOAILLES” College
In the Extreme North Region of Cameroon in general, and the mountainous areas in particular, school facilities are lacking and the illiteracy rate is high. Just four in ten children attend school. Nevertheless, classrooms are overflowing (with more than 180 children per class in public schools). The diocese is hosting thousands of people who have been displaced by the precarious security situation in the Extreme North. These include children, whose educational needs have to be met, thus adding to the pupil headcount and the need for more school facilities.
The college was built to provide secondary-level education.
3825 élèves
Project objective:
Project type: construction of a college to accommodate 1,400 students, in time
Project beneficiaries: disadvantaged minorities
Schooling and literacy to enhance social inclusion
Intended objective: greater tolerance and peaceful coexistence